Introducing Elmer! The Helmet Shop's newest member to our team and the official Helmet Shop Mascot.
Be sure to read to the end for more BIG news!

Elmer's Story:
Elmer is a 4 year old Stafordshire Terrier who was adopted by Bill and Linda Harbison, owners of The Helmet Shop.

Prior to his adoption, Elmer spent nearly a year at the local shelter. When Linda saw Elmer's photo on Facebook it was love at first site. Having already rescued two other dogs, her husband was not as eager to take on a third. Linda persisted to plead to adopt Elmer and sent a photo of Elmer to Bill every day for two weeks.

Having a real soft spot when it comes to dogs, Bill called Linda from the shop one afternoon and said, "Get Ready". Linda said. "Get ready for what?".  "Get ready to pick up Elmer!"

Elmer will have a lot in his bowl as the new mascot for The Helmet Shop. He is so excited to start digging up new products and sniffing out great deals.  But he is most excited about his first job as he leads the pack in an effort to find loving homes for other dogs that need our help.

Thanks to Elmer and the support of our loyal customers, We are happy to announce that the adoption fees for following dogs have been paid and are available for adoption at the Halifax Humane Society.